Mobile Security: Why Should I Care?

by | Jan 23, 2014 | SMB Technology

Mobile security is top of mind when it comes to concerns for IT Managers.  According to the Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) risk of loss is the number one concern related to Mobile security. For the first time last year, more smart phones and tablets shipped than PC desktops.   It is no surprise that mobile devices are the target of mobile security threats.

Chances are most people in your company have a smartphone, tablet or both.  In some cases these devices connect to your company network using WiFi.  It is equally likely that these devices access company information via email, mobile applications or file synch to company data.  Now that these devices are universal, it is important to have a plan if they are lost or stolen. Keep in mind, your four digit password may be the only thing between an intruder and your data.  Here are some additional considerations for mobile security.

Mobile Security Policy

While you can remotely wipe a Mobile devices when it is lost or stolen, this may not be enough.  That four digit passcode can be easily hacked in minutes.  It is important that employees know how to report a lost or stolen device immediately.  Also consider, there may be personal information on the device that is property of your employee.  This data may not be backed up and could be impossible to recover. There may be local laws that prevent you from wiping this type of data from personal devices.  If your employees access your corporate systems, be sure they sign and acknowledge your company policy for acceptable use, including policy for reporting lost or stolen devices and mobile device policy for storage of personal data on a company owned mobile device.

Mobile Security Training

Some social networks are designed to harvest contact information that may be synched with corporate contacts.  Publishing privacy data without consent may be considered a data breach.  Train your employees on the importance of mobile security policy and the related mobile security risks.

In addition to mobile anti-virus, mobile anti-malware detection, device management, mobile phishing protection, your knowledgeable employees are one of your first lines of defense against the threat of a mobile security breach.  If you feel your employees need training or your mobile security policy is not up to date, contact your mobile security professional today!

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