Is Your Head in the Cloud?

by | Aug 21, 2015 | SMB Technology

Are you ready to embrace the benefits of the Cloud? Whether your company is ready to acquire new software-as-a-service (SaaS) capabilities or in need of infrastructure upgrades via infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS), Cloud has now reached new heights in the small and medium-sized business (SMB) world. According to current research by International Data Corporation (IDC), fifty percent of all companies are using at least one public SaaS offering, with a further 20% planning to implement such a service within the year. Platform-as-a-service (PaaS) and (IaaS) are less used today, but there is interest and growth in that direction.

Top Reasons for Moving to the Cloud

According to the same report by IDC, here are the top five reasons that your business should be moving to the Cloud:

  1. Get access to the newest functionality faster.

  2. Improve utilization.

  3. Reduce the cost of overall IT spending.

  4. Improve staff productivity.

  5. Give business units more direct control over sourcing IT solutions.

Bottom Line On Cloud

There is no denying that the Cloud is here to stay and all indications are that the sooner you start to incorporate it into your technology portfolio the better. The fact is your competitors are getting the message and there is competitive risk at stake. Because the hallmark of Cloud is flexibility and agility, it can be relatively low risk to try it out.  The ‘pay as you play’ Cloud subscription model means there is little financial investment to get started. This all adds up to low barrier to entry.

There are many economic reasons for moving to the Cloud and there are also compelling practical considerations and strategic opportunities. So get your head in the Cloud and talk to your service provider today.

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