Assess Spending with a Telecommunications Audit

Communications and collaboration are vital to your company’s operations and success. But how do you know if your spending is effectively allocated? Read on to learn about the role of a telecommunications expense audit in shaping up your telco budget


Telecommunications and Why it Matters


In short, telecommunications means the exchange of information across long distances–via phone, email and videoconferencing. It incorporates the use of various devices–cell and landline phones, internet and email, for instance. With remote work being an established practice, your workers need to be able to communicate and collaborate, and help keep your operations humming.


Evaluate Your Telecommunications Expense


How do you know that you’re spending wisely on telecommunications? With the complexity of telecommunications (many companies have multiple carriers), money may be slipping through the cracks without your awareness. This is where a telco audit comes in. The audit is a process that surveys an organization’s telecom expenses, identifying areas of overspending or poor allocation. Expenses include local and long-distance telephone bills, wireless services, and Internet services–how do you know the charges are accurate? It may be time to bring in a qualified telco auditor with the needed expertise.


How a Telecom Expense Audit Can Help Your Company


A telecom audit can show where your company might be needlessly spending money. For example, with multiple carriers, different invoicing systems are involved, and your company might be incurring late fees. Small miscalculations can cause errors, including overbilling. An audit can uncover which services you might no longer need, via a close examination of invoices and payment records. Better understanding of your telco expenses leads to the creation of a proper budget, which helps your company’s bottom line. An audit can even help uncover anomalies that might indicate fraud. What’s more, the auditor can even contact carriers on your behalf, so you don’t have to spend time doing so.


Considerations for Hiring a Telecommunications Audit Provider


An ideal telecommunications audit company will take the work of examining telco spending off your IT department’s to-do list. The auditor should have a track record of expertise in analyzing telecommunications spending patterns so they know what to look for and how to interpret invoices and billing records. Free audit reviews and free quotes are indicators of a reliable company, and a good auditor will provide a portal for your company to track the audit’s progress and to access reports.


Your company’s telecommunication system is vital, and so is your bottom line. To find out more about an audit of your system, contact your trusted technology advisor today.

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