Why the Cloud Isn’t Going Away

Cloud Computing is only beginning its growth and progression; more than half of all businesses have already implemented Cloud Computing in some way or another into their day-to-day operations. Whether you need improved security, lowered costs, higher efficiency, a backup plan, or a mixture of these benefits, the Cloud is the answer. There’s no pressure to migrate completely to the Cloud. In fact, if you already use applications like file sharing, website hosting or web based email you already rely on Cloud Computing. Smart IT strategy is researching which parts of the Cloud fit the needs of your business and discussing a flexible solution that can be customized to your organization – that’s why the Cloud already works for so many businesses. If you haven’t yet considered utilizing the Cloud, it’s time to decide if you want to keep up with the latest technology or be left behind. The Cloud is here to stay, and here’s why:

Cloud Computing is Reliable

The majority of companies trust the Cloud enough to make the migration. With the Cloud, companies have constant access to all the information they need, because they can access it from any computing device and from any location. This flexibility in itself makes the Cloud the most reliable solution. Also, with Cloud solutions, data can be backed up to multiple locations and services, which adds another level of protection. You can always add more levels of protection by choosing to use behavior-based key management servers and encryption management keys.

The Cloud is Affordable

Cloud computing is known to reduce IT management costs dramatically. Migrating to the Cloud may come with upfront costs, including installation costs, but in the long run, it will save your organization a lot of money. While using the Cloud, you are sharing resources, which eliminates the costs of making these purchases yourself. Most importantly, most Cloud providers offer pay-as-you-go plans that bills based on your usage. This is a clear-cut way for your organization to save money – only pay for what you need!

The Cloud is Secure

The Cloud not only protects from viruses and theft, but it also ensures recovery of your data. Since your information will be stored virtually and not on office devices or on a network, it cannot be harmed by physical disasters or other such emergencies. The Cloud actually gives you back control of your data. If your organization needs guidance on migrating to the Cloud, contact your trusted IT advisor today.

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