Considering Cloud Offering for Your Business?

Cloud computing, with its many benefits and options, is here to stay. Its popularity continues to grow each year. Read on to learn how cloud offerings will benefit your company, and how to know which offerings to choose.


Trends in Cloud Computing


Cloud computing, and the spending on it, continues to grow. An article from CompTIA predicted that spending on Software as a Service (SaaS) will reach more than $145 billion in 2022. Interestingly, many businesses show an appetite for public cloud computing. Benefits of cloud computing in general, are the ability to access computing resources over the Internet; infrastructure management by the cloud service provider (CSP) removing the necessity for on-premise infrastructure; the ability to scale resources for varying demand; and the ability to manage costs using a subscription model. Public cloud computing offers these benefits, along with numerous data centers. If one center goes offline, another will pick up the traffic.  The rise in demand for public cloud services also offers opportunities for managed service providers to transition to provide more of those services; with this opportunity for growth will come the need for retraining of staff to provide such services.


Considerations in Choosing a Cloud Deployment


With its benefits, deployment options, and delivery models, cloud computing requires considerations before adoption. When choosing a deployment option, consider your company’s needs before choosing. Public cloud is shared by multiple tenants, and careful attention needs to be paid to security. Since public cloud is expected to be popular, according to CompTIA, security will need to be a key consideration. Additionally, trends predict a change in focus from device security to habits of end users. This brings up the need for training (or retraining) in policies and best practices in cybersecurity. Breaches are still expected to occur, though training hopefully minimizes cyber attacks and the resulting damage. 


Options for Cloud Deployment


There are many options allowing your business to take full advantage of the Cloud.  Desktop as a Service (DaaS) provides remote employees access to a reliable, secure computing environment with access to critical applications from multiple locations or while working from home.  Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) lifts workloads, such as legacy applications, to the Cloud for “work from anywhere” access.  Many Software as a Service (SaaS) applications can modernize your business with the latest functionality for most business processes.


Whichever cloud options you choose, your company will need to evaluate how well it meets your needs. For assistance in choosing the best cloud option for your business, contact us today. 

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