Should I Run my Business in the Cloud?

by | Feb 8, 2013 | SMB Technology, Uncategorized

If you are still foggy about Cloud Technology, don’t feel too badly. According to a recent survey of one thousand adults by Wakefield Research over 50% of respondents believe that weather patterns have an impact on Cloud Computing! The reality is most of us are using the cloud whether we know it our not. Cloud Computing is a cost effect way for companies to have access to enterprise class infrastructure they may not be able to otherwise afford. The Cloud can lower capital expense for your business while helping you upgrade your IT Infrastructure.

So What is Cloud Computing and How Can Cloud Computing Help my Business? Here are a Few Ways you May Benefit.

Software as a Service

Software as a Service (SaaS) is a popular cloud based model for getting access to enterprise applications. Instead of having dedicated software running on your company premise you can opt for a cloud based version of your software running across the Internet. In most cases the Cloud option has the same features and performance as the “on premise” counterpart. There are many applications available in the Cloud including Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Sales Force Automation (SFA), Email and even Office Productivity Applications (e.g. Word, Excel, Powerpoint).

Cloud Backup

Cloud Backup or Remote Backup is another option for your business. Many companies rely on tape backup for their business. Cloud Backup provides an additional option for offsite backup and storage. Your application data, files and other important IT assets are stored across the internet using Cloud Backup. In many cases Cloud Backup Technology can back up as quickly as your local backup with the benefit of being stored off site in the event of a Disaster Recovery Scenario.

Virtual Servers

Virtual Servers are another way your company may benefit from the Cloud. A virtual server can be used for additional storage, file sharing, application hosting or for creating an image of your critical applications as failover for Business Continuity purposes to bring your entire company back online in a disaster recovery scenario. Virtual servers may provide the same performance as a dedicated server on premise with less hassle and overhead.

If you are still foggy about the cloud or not sure where to start, contact your IT Service Professional to discuss your business needs.

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